Digital Experiences: Fonts
Overview |
Font packs: Typical Indy font packs include a font looking like the one of the "Indiana
Jones" logo and one looking like the subtitles under the Indy logo.
Font sites: Websites are specialized for rare fonts like Sanskrit.
Windows vs. Mac: Truetype fonts (TTF) can be used with any Windows system. Mac users need to convert them
using font conversion tools.
Adventure font pack |
Maybe the most popular Indy fonts. These fonts are freeware and ©1998 by Neale Davidson.
The ZIP contains the fonts and a readme file: Adventure.zip (20 kb)
name |
modification date |
size |
Adventure.ttf |
22.03.1998 |
18.068 bytes |
Adventure Subtitles.ttf |
25.03.1998 |
13.464 bytes |
SF Fedora font pack |
Another set of Indy fonts. These are also freeware and ©1999 ShyFonts Type Foundry (www.shyfonts.com).
The ZIP contains the fonts, a sample image and a readme file: SFFedora.zip (77
name |
modification date |
size |
SF Fedora.ttf |
23.10.1999 |
31.128 bytes |
SF Fedora Titles.ttf |
23.10.1999 |
29.800 bytes |
SF Fedora Titles Shadow.ttf |
23.10.1999 |
56.268 bytes |
Treehouse Safari & Ventures font pack |
An extensive set of Indy fonts. These are not free and ©1997 David Occhino (http://davidocchino.com/portfolio/typography/index.html).
The demo ZIP contains two limited fonts (only few letterer available) in several variations and a readme file:
TreehouseDemoPC.zip (64 kb).
Safari (= Indy logo) fonts specials:
¤ letters A-Z (caps and lowercase. Please note special variations between letters in capital and lowercase.)
¤ numerals 0 - 9
¤ punctuation: ! " % ' ( ) * , - . / : ; ? \ ¥ Ò Ó Ô Õ
¤ special adventurer dingbats: fedora hat and bullwhip, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, Forbidden
Eye of Mara, Egyptian god Anubis, evil Nazi swastika in circle, evil Nazi swastika in square
¤ careful spacing and kerning
¤ available at http://davidocchino.com/portfolio/typography/safari.html
Venture (= Indy title font) fonts specials:
¤ letters A-Z and a-z (capitals
and lowercase)
¤ numerals 0-9
¤ punctuation: Ð!"!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]\|;:'",./<>?Ö¥ª¨©ÒÔÓÕ¡Ó¬«`~¦
¤ international characters
¤ careful spacing and kerning
¤ available at http://davidocchino.com/portfolio/typography/venture.html
name |
modification date |
size |
safao___.ttf |
23.03.1997 |
49.052 bytes |
safarg__.ttf |
23.03.1997 |
36.184 bytes |
safas___.ttf |
23.03.1997 |
49.804 bytes |
vento___.ttf |
09.03.1997 |
41.040 bytes |
ventoo__.ttf |
09.03.1997 |
51.504 bytes |
ventrg__.ttf |
09.03.1997 |
27.748 bytes |
ventrgo_.ttf |
09.03.1997 |
31.792 bytes |
vents___.ttf |
09.03.1997 |
59.416 bytes |
ventso__.ttf |
09.03.1997 |
74.584 bytes |
Temple of the Forbidden Eye / Mara font |
This is a special font looking like the secret messages used at the Indiana Jones and the Temple
of the Forbidden Eye ride. No author is given. The Windows ZIP contains only the font but no readme file: Marafont.zip
(29 kb). There is also a Mac font file but since I have no Mac, I can't test it: MaraFont.Bin
name |
modification date |
size |
Marafont.ttf |
27.04.1995 |
40.792 bytes |
MaraFont.Bin |
24.06.2000 |
56.704 bytes |
RK Ancient fonts pack |
This is a big pack of ancient fonts including Sanskrit, Meroitic (Hieroglyphics, Demotic and Transcript),
Oldpersian Cuneiform, Ugaritic Cuneiform (and Transcript) and Greek with accents (a modification of the font "Symbol").
These fonts are freeware and ©1997 by Reinhold Kainhofer (fonts.kainhofer.com). The
archive contains the fonts, an installation program, doc and wri files with examples and readme file in English
and German language. Available for Windows (219 kb) and for Macintosh (190 kb).
name |
modification date |
size |
18.07.1996 |
75.868 bytes |
18.07.1996 |
13.348 bytes |
18.07.1996 |
22.828 bytes |
23.03.1997 |
15.116 bytes |
18.07.1996 |
46.928 bytes |
28.03.1997 |
53.660 bytes |
03.08.1996 |
21.400 bytes |
23.03.1997 |
12.716 bytes |
Morgane's Medieval Download Haven site |
Looking for medieval fonts Morgane's Medieval Download Haven is a good
place to go. They have free medieval and celtic fonts for download.
(posted by Bamindy at the Indyfan.com Forum, 03.08.2000) |