Novels: Max McCoy |
Max McCoy is the author of four Indiana Jones novels that have been released in at least five
languages: English, Dutch, German, Japanese and Polish. He writes in a fast and very visual style which gives the
story a strong "movie-feeling". The story plots of the books are tied together by a tricky curse plot.
Max McCoy also does a great job by filling in a lot of references to the Indiana Jones movies and other resources.
The Author |
Full Name: Max Allen McCoy
Birthdate: Oct. 30, 1958, Baxter Springs, Kansas
Awards: Western Writers of America 1992, Oxbow Award for
short fiction, Ozark Writers League, 1993 and more
Agent: Robin Rue, The Anita Diamant Agency, 310 Madison
Ave., New York, NY 10017
Information: Author's
Curriculum Vitae: Baxter Springs KS High School 1976, BA Communication Pittsburg
KS State University 1988, MA English Emporia KS State University 1994. Work as reporter and photographer for The
Pittsburg Morning Sun, the Joplin Globe and as creative writing instructor for the Emporia State University in
Bibliography excerpt |
• Indiana Jones and the Philosopher's Stone (1995)
• Indiana Jones and the Dinosaur Eggs (1996)
• Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth (1997)
• Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Sphinx (1999)
• Home to Texas
• Sons of Fire
• The Wild Rider
• The Sixth Rider
Additional sources |
• Interview with Max McCoy
at www.IndianaJones.de |