Indiana Jones Roleplaying Games
The Adventures of Indiana Jones from TSR
TSR, Inc.
POB 756 | Lake Geneva | WI 53147
TSR (UK) Ltd.
The Mill, Rathmore Road | Cambridge, CB14AD | UK
"The hottest movie of 1984 is now the hottest game of 1984"
,~* This limited role-playing series came from TSR, the company which dominated the
role-playing market of the 70's and 80's with "Dungeons & Dragons". The series
was started right after "Temple of Doom" and concentrated on stories from the
Marvel comic series "Further Adventures of Indiana Jones".
,~* In this game players take the roles of actual movie characters. There are also
solitaire rules for some adventures and special rules for two player quests. To play
the adventures you need the basic set with the resource manual. The miniatures and the
judges pack are not necessecary but useful additions to the game.
,~* The games are pretty good, featuring some very nice narrative writing and structure,
as well as some very nifty paintings from the art department.
,~* These games are not sold by TSR any more. You can still find copies of the games
in comicshops, scifi&fantasy-stores and on ebay.
The World of Indiana Jones from West End Games
West End Games
RR 3 Box 2345 | Honesdale, PA 18431 | USA
Fax (717) 253-5104 / Phone (717) 253-6990
,~* This role-playing series came from West End Games, the company which produces
the successful "Star Wars" RPGs. West End Games started their series 1994 and uses
various resources for the adventures including movie and novel adaptions.
,~* In this game players take the roles of persons in the World of Indy but *not*
roles of main movie characters. To play the game you need at least two players
except one solitaire training game.
To play the adventures you need the basic set with the resource manual. The miniatures
are not necessecary but useful additions to the game.
,~* The games are pretty good, featuring good writing, cool art and an extrem amout
of useful information.
,~* These games are still produced by West End Games. Check out their website for
great sales. You can also find cheap copies of the games in comic shops,
scifi & fantasy-stores and on ebay.
More Indiana Jones RPG information