The Indiana Jones Timeline: Winds of Change
Edited and Expanded by Allen Lane

[ Index | 1872-1911 | 1912-1915 | 1916-1917 | 1917-1918 | 1918-1921 | 1922-1960 | 1961-2000 | Background ]

1918 November
Indy and Remy assigned back to the trenches with orders to arrest a Corporal named Bajendra Sing who is believed to be exchanging munitions data with the Germans. They chase him into No Man's Land and watch as he is shot by a German soldier he was conversing with. They reach Sing and find a map in Greek on him. As he dies he tells them that they must stop the other soldier and repeats "The Eye of the Peacock" over and over. Just then, a cease fire whistle is blown. After four long years, the Great War has finally ended and Germany has surrendered to the Allies. Indy and Remy resign their commissions in the Belgian Army and return to England where Remy is reunited with his wife Suzette and step children. When Miss Seymour fails to show up at the train station to meet him, Indy goes to her house to discover that Miss Seymour died from a fever a week earlier. Indy reads a letter left to him by Miss Seymour telling him that she wishes him to make peace with his father and make something of himself with his life. Indy stays with Remy and his wife for a while and Remy tells him that he had the map translated. They discover that the map they possess may be able to lead them to one of the diamond eyes from a golden peacock statue originally owned by Alexander the Great. When wine is accidentally spilled on the map, Indy notices that there is secret writing on the map that can only be seen when wet. They writing gives them a starting point for their treasure hunt and the two travel to Alexandria. They discover that archaeologist Howard Carter (who Indy met in Egypt in 1908) and are staying in the hotel they have checked into. Indy and Remy find another clue at a museum in a stone tombstone dating back to Alexander the Great's time. They meet a German man with an eyepatch at the museum who is drawing the tombstone. Back at the hotel they meet up with Carter and novelist E. M. Forster. Carter tells them of his search for King Tutankhamen's tomb. While Indy works on translating the inscription from the tomb, he discovers that a key is needed to be placed on the map in order to find out the exact location of the temple they are searching for. Indy and Remy are attacked in their room by the German man with the eyepatch (who turns out to be the soldier who murdered Singh in an earlier attempt to get the map) and a group of thugs. They beat off the men, but the map is stolen. In searching the German man's room they find that he has left on a steamship, unfortunately they find out that they missed the boat he left on by a half an hour. They head after him by train and arrive in Port Said where they board the ship that the German is on. Peaking through the German's window, they watch as he places the key on the map to get the location and then burn the map. Failing to see where the key pointed to, they decide to follow him to the temple and disembark the boat at Java. They check into the hotel where the German is staying and meet a woman named Lily who was sitting at the table with the German and a group of people. She tells them a little about the various people: Ku Wong, Jambi, a tobacco trader, and Jongrann, a diamond trader. After she leaves they overhear the three men call the German Zeik and that they have financed his expedition. They need to get the diamond to a "fat man" in Singapore who will pay triple the black market price within a week or he will be gone. They follow Zeik on horseback to the temple and manage to find a locked box believed to contain the diamond before he can. Zeik finds them and takes the box, however, Indy manages to steal the key from him which is needed to open the box. Indy and Remy return to the Zeik's room in the hotel where they find him dead. They find a ticket for a boat going to Singapore and find that Ku Wong, Jambi and Jongrann are also aboard. Indy meets up with Lily again who is aboard, but has no money. He lets her stay in his cabin as he sets off to search for the box with the diamond in the cabins of the other three men. Remy tries to distract the men with a game of cards while Indy searches, however Jongrann returns to his cabin before Indy can search the room. Indy and Remy both sneak into his room while he sleeps, but Jongrann wakes up and pulls a gun on them. Before he can shoot, however, pirates board the ship and start attacking everyone. The female pirate captain, who turns out to be Jin Ming, the singer from the ship's nightclub, demands everyone's possessions and Indy and Remy are surprised to find that Lily had the box. She tells Indy that she is the one who shot Zeik; he was supposed to be her partner, but he was going to kill her. The pirates also take the key from Indy. The pirates leave and Indy, Remy and Lily follow after them in a lifeboat. The three sneak aboard the pirate ship and manage to retrieve the box. The pirates attack and Lily is shot dead as she tries to escape with the box by herself. A fire breaks out on the ship and as the pirates flee on a lifeboat with the box, Indy and Remy follow on another lifeboat in pursuit. Both lifeboats run ashore on an island and everyone is attacked by headhunters. Remy manages to retrieve the box in the brief battle and he and Indy set out to sea again. Eventually, the land on another island and are captured by a group of natives who take them back to their village. Indy and Remy manage to show that they mean them no harm and the natives give them food and shelter. The next morning Indy befriends a small native boy named Biok, but later that day Indy and Remy are tied up during an initiation ceremony for the younger male tribe members. A tribe from a neighboring island arrives on boat and a ceremonial battle is played out. During the battle, Indy manages to free himself, but he runs to the aid of Biok when he sees him get hit by a spear. The boy dies and is carried back to the village by both of the tribes. The next day, Indy and Remy depart with the neighboring tribe and are taken back to their village where they meet anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski. He tells them that the tribes do not want to fight, but do so because the "ghosts" want them to battle. Indy and Remy learn that a freighter comes by occasionally and that they will be able to get back to London. Back at Malinowski's house, Indy and Remy manage to pry open the box. Instead of finding a diamond inside, however, they find a stone and Remy explodes in rage. Over dinner, Malinowski tells them how he is documenting the culture of this tribe so that it won't be lost when it eventually changes. Remy returns to his room and Indy tells Malinowski how they have been treasure hunting. Indy says how he'd like to eventually return to the states and attend the University of Chicago to study archaeology. The next morning Indy shows Malinowski the stone which has an inscription on it. Together they work on translating it and discover what may be a clue as to the diamonds whereabouts. Indy begins to see how the treasure hunt has begun to become an obsession to Remy and begins to wonder if he wants to continue on in search of the diamond. Later, Malinowski asks Indy what he will do once he has found the diamond. Indy replies that he'd return to the states and attend college. Malinowski points out that is exactly what he wanted to do before he began his treasure hunt and that it is foolish to waste his time searching for something he does not really need while he could be pursuing his real dream. Indy later tells Remy that he's not going to continue on the search, but instead he is returning to the states. Remy tries to talk him out of it and, when he realizes that Indy will not change his mind, he tells him that he will continue on alone. Indy and Remy leave on the freighter and eventually go their separate ways. (THE YOUNG INDIANA JONES - TREASURE OF THE PEACOCK'S EYE - TVM)

1919 May
The Germans have surrendered to the Allies and the Kaiser has abdicated and fled the country. The leaders of the Allied countries have gathered in Paris for the peace conference. The three main heads of the conference are French Premier George Clemenceau, British Prime Minister David Lloyd-George and United States President Woodrow Wilson. Indy has secured a job with the American delegation as a translator. His boss is pleased with his work and says that there will be a job available for him in the State Department when the conference is over. While there, Indy runs into T.E. ("Ned") Lawrence, who is helping to see that Arabia is awarded her independence. He believes that colonialism is dead now that dozens of countries are petitioning the conference for their freedom. He invites Indy along for dinner. At dinner, Ned introduces Gertrude Bell, a writer who has been championing the Arab cause. They are also joined by a member of the British delegation, Arnold Toynbee. Toynbee is afraid that the leaders of the conference will give in to the publics' outcries for blood and retribution. Indy tries to defend Wilson, saying that he is a good man. Toynbee says that Wilson is obsessed with his League of Nations idea and will concede anything to get it. The world is changing and history is now moving in a spiral, he says. If they try to push Germany down now, it will only rise again. He gives Indy some words of advice which he then later writes in his journal - "Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them." The next day, Wilson addresses the conference about his League of Nations. At dinner afterwards, Ned tells Indy and Gertrude about his dreams of a free Arabia. Unfortunately, it seems that politics may prohibit it. Although England promised Arabia its freedom, it also promised Arabia to France in exchange for Kuwait and its oil fields. A few days later, Indy is brought to Wilson's study to transcribe a conversation between Wilson, Lloyd-George and Clemenceau. They are arguing over Arabia. Wilson is not happy with Lloyd-George's and Clemenceau's secret agreement. He proposes a commission to find out the will of the people as to who should rule them. The other two reluctantly agree. That night at dinner, Indy tells Ned what happened. He is happy and feels that this will help free Arabia. However, he plans on not waiting for the commission, but having King Faisal present his case to the conference and run rings around Wilson. Indy is not happy with Ned's plan and they argue. Ned finally walks out. Indy goes to follow Ned, but is stopped by their Vietnamese waiter, who overheard the whole argument. The waiter wishes to talk to Indy, but Indy brushes him off in his haste to catch Ned. He does catch up to him down the street. Ned apologizes, saying that he's become cynical. He wonders how Indy got through the whole war without losing his ideals. A few days later, King Faisal of Arabia addresses the conference. Ned translates for him. Faisal asks for justice and the fulfillment of England's promise of freedom. He asks that his country not be divided up like war booty for the colonial powers. As Indy is walking home that evening, he is stopped by the Vietnamese waiter, who introduces himself as Nguyen. He says that he is part of a delegation of patriots who wish address the conference, but no one will see them. They are beginning to get desperate. Indy is not sure that he can help, but he will see what he can do. Indy presents the idea to his boss, who is against it. He tells Indy to forget what Wilson said about helping all the people of the world. Presidents may come and go, but diplomats will always stay. Indy does manage to persuade him to get the Vietnamese a hearing. Later, the Vietnamese delegation presents their request to some of the diplomats. All they ask for are certain freedoms and a voice in the French Parliament. They are told it would be considered. Outside of the hall, Indy apologizes, saying that he wished it could have gone better. Nguyen is happy that they at least got their chance to be heard. Another member of the delegation calls him Ho Chi Min, which means "Father of his Country." The delegation then leaves for home. At dinner, Indy is disgusted that no one seems to care. Toynbee tells him that no one is interested in the common people's interests except for Wilson. The real decisions are being made in private, with the colonial powers carving up the world for themselves. Indy wonders why they fought the war in the first place. Ned arrives and lets them know that the German delegation has finally arrived. They were delayed by the French who forced them to take a train ride through some of the worst areas of the battlefield. At the station, the train is met by an angry mob which the police can barely keep back. The German delegation is refused cab service and has to walk to their hotel. Indy and Ned talk about why they thought the war was fought. Ned originally thought it was to preserve democracy, but now is not sure that it was accomplished. As Indy is walking home, he sees the German delegation being followed by an angry mob of people. He follows them to the hotel, where a porter begins throwing out their luggage to the crowd. Indy is close to the front and manages to hand one of the bags back to a young German diplomat. The next day, the Germans come before the conference. Clemenceau says that there will be no negotiating of terms and that the Germans have fifteen days to sign the treaty. Later at the opera, Toynbee joins Indy, Ned and Gertrude. He says that Wilson has finally conceded almost all of his fourteen points. He also says that the terms of German reparation is even harsher than anyone thought that they would be. This plan will bankrupt Germany and perhaps drag the rest of Europe down with it. He predicts that the war will be fought all over again, in ten to twenty years. He also tells them that Germany must assume all responsibility for the war. At the conference, the German delegation says that they laid down their arms in accordance with Wilson's fourteen points, but now find that they are not in the treaty. They also refuse to bear the guilt of the war. Clemenceau rebukes that the treaty must be accepted. Reluctantly, the head of the German delegation agrees. Later, at a reception, the young German diplomat walks in. Everyone stops and stares at him. Indy goes over to him and helps him get a cup of coffee. The German recognizes him from the hotel. They talk and find out that they both fought at Verdun. The German says that there will be no future for anyone if the rulers at the conference have their way. After the formal signing ceremonies, there is a large celebration. Indy says that he is glad that it is finally over. Toynbee disagrees, feeling that it is just beginning. As Indy is helping with the packing up of the American delegation's office, he comes across the file with the Vietnamese delegation's request. It is stamped with the words "No Action." Indy is then summoned with his boss to President Wilson's office. There, they witness another conference between Wilson, Lloyd-George and Clemenceau. Wilson is upset that a commission is not being sent to Arabia. Lloyd-George says that the situation in the Middle East is much too volatile to make a decision now. Instead, he and Clemenceau propose "Zones of Influence" for England and France. They promise Wilson to find something for King Faisal. Wilson concedes to them. After they leave, Wilson is full of doubt. He got his League of Nations, but at what cost? Indy decides to turn down the State Department job and instead plans on returning home and then attending the University of Chicago in the fall to study archaeology. He and Ned promise to stay in touch as they say goodbye at the train station. Ned leaves Indy with these words - "We gave the old men victory and they threw it away. We offered them a new world and they made the old one over again. Still, it might have been worse..." (YIJC - "Paris - May 1919" - TV)

1919 June
Indy returns home to Princeton from France and bumps into Nancy Stratemeyer, his high school girlfriend, who is pushing a stroller with her son Butch, Jr. in it. Indy is depressed to learn that she married his high school rival Butch nearly two years earlier. He is even more depressed by the cold reception he gets from his father when he arrives home. Indy's father is angry at Indy for running off to Europe to fight in the war. At dinner Indy tells his father that the last time he felt close to his father was when they were in Athens when he was ten years old. They relive the time Indy ran away from his father in Russia and their travels together immediately afterwards in Greece in 1910. Indy tells his father that the time at the hanging monastery in Greece was the last time he can recall them hugging. His father gets up from the table and retires for the evening. The next day, as Indy is leaving, Indy tells his father that he is sorry they haven't talked more. His father says he is also sorry and they seem to be finally be reconciling until Indy tells him that he is going to the University of Chicago to study archaeology instead of Princeton University. His father suddenly becomes cold and tells him to close the door behind him when he leaves. Accepting that he will never have his father's approval, Indy leaves for Chicago. (YOUNG INDIANA JONES - TRAVELS WITH FATHER (framing story) - TVM)

1920 April
Indy is working his way through college as a waiter at Colosimo's Restaurant, home of the best food and the best jazz in Chicago. Indy loves jazz, but his admiration is not appreciated by the restaurant's band leader, Sidney Bechet. Meanwhile, at school Indy is not getting along well with his roommate, Eliot Ness. Eliot is far too uptight, but one evening Indy is able to talk him into going to the Royal Garden, a jazz club. At the club, Sidney and the band are jamming and are joined by a singer named Goldie Williams. Eliot gets upset when he is served "Prohibition Water" - gin. He goes to leave but ends up causing a commotion after he trips over another customer. Both he and Indy wind up getting thrown out. The next evening at work, Indy apologizes to Sidney for the commotion, but winds up gushing how much he loves jazz. Sidney asks Indy if he's ever played an instrument and he admits that he played soprano sax a little bit during the war. Sidney has a soprano sax which he gives to Indy to practice. After work, Indy gets to tag along with the band as they perform at a speakeasy, The Four Deuces. For the next couple of weeks, Indy spends his free time playing sax and driving Eliot up a wall. One afternoon, Eliot drags Indy to a football victory party at a campus frat house. Indy has his sax with him. When a cheerleader Eliot has a crush on sees Indy's sax, she arranges for him to sit in with the band and barber shop quartet that's performing. However, he is kicked out of the party when he starts to improvise around "April Showers." He is told that jazz is brothel music and not respectable. At work, Indy cons Sidney into letting him jam with them on a song at the Four Deuces. Unfortunately, it doesn't go as well as Indy hoped. Sidney gives Indy some pointers on jazz. He tells him that he has to learn to walk before he can run. He also instructs Indy to learn "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" forwards and backwards. One Sunday morning Indy goes to a black revival church with Sidney. Some of the other parishioners are uncomfortable with Indy's presence. They go to Goldie's house afterwards for Sunday dinner. Indy learns that her brother, C.J., was in the war and they trade jokes about life in the army. The discussion takes a serious turn when C.J. expresses his dissatisfaction with the black plight in America. This leads to an argument with his father about the methods for achieving civil rights. A few nights later, Indy, Sidney, Goldie and C.J. talk about change. As weeks go on, Indy continues to practice, getting better as he goes. One night, Sidney overhears him at work and is impressed with his progress. After work, the band heads over to the Golden Palace to hear Goldie sing. While Sidney is jamming with the band, he invites Indy up on stage and they proceed to storm through a swinging version of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." (YIJC - "Young Indiana Jones and the Mystery of the Blues" ("Chicago - April 1920" section) - TV)

1920 May
The following night at work, "Big Jim" Colosimo introduces his new young wife, Dale Winters, who sings a number with the band. Later at the Four Deuces, Indy learns that Colosimo owns the speakeasy. Sidney doesn't let Indy perform, as the band is going to be playing the blues. He explains to Indy the difference between jazz and the blues. The next day, as the restaurant is getting ready to open, Colosimo is shot to death in the doorway. No one sees anything, although one waiter had to chase out a customer only a few minutes before the shooting. Indy notices that Colosimo's rings are gone. reporters and police are soon crawling all over the restaurant. Colosimo's nephew Johnny Torio arrives and notices that Colosimo's money belt containing $200,000 is gone. Police Chief Garrity, a personal friend of Colosimo's promises to find the killer. One of the reporters is an old friend of Indy's from the war, Ernest Hemingway, who is working as a free-lancer for the Chicago Tribune. Back at Indy's dorm room, they discuss the case. Eliot expresses interest. It seems that Colosimo's first wife was the one who got him out of bootlegging and into the much more profitable brothel trade. After he made a fortune, he dumped his wife and took up with Dale Winters. Ernie is excited by all the gossip, but Eliot suggests solving the crime procedurally, establishing motive, method and opportunity. Their first move is to go to the funeral procession to see who turns up. As the casket is solemnly paraded through the streets, they run into "Big Al" Brown, a bartender at The Four Deuces who has a nasty scar on his face. Among the dignitaries in the procession are Mayor Bill Thompson, some judges and a couple of congressmen. Indy has to leave the funeral for work where they are holding a reception afterwards. Ernie has a couple of leads he wants to check out. Eliot has a friend in the morgue and goes to see what he can learn. At the restaurant, Colosimo's first wife arrives and causes a scene, yelling at Dale. She eventually has to be dragged, crying, out of the restaurant. Meeting with the coroner, Eliot learns that Colosimo was shot in the back of the head, possibly as he was looking out the front door's peephole. Ernie hangs out at the police station with some reporters, but learns nothing. They meet at a soda fountain for lunch and trade information. Unfortunately, all they have are half formed theories with no evidence to back them up. They figure that Colosimo was waiting for someone and the killer knew it. If they could figure out who the killer was waiting for, they might crack the case. Indy promises to talk to the waiter who chased the customer away. Ernie continues his digging in the Tribune's morgue. He also writes The New York Times for information. That night at The Four Deuces, Indy is so distracted thinking about the murder that he's not even paying attention to the band. Sidney tells Indy that Torio will be taking over the restaurant and other business interests. He also says that Colosimo was waiting for a shipment of bootleg liquor. Later, Indy, Ernie and Eliot meet. They decide to go to the restaurant and find out who sold Colosimo the liquor. Indy sneaks in and finds the bootleg is packed in boxes marked "Cristo Lemonade Company." They trace this to a warehouse along the Lake Michigan waterfront. They go to the warehouse and break into office. Unfortunately, they are discovered before they can find anything. They boys make a mad dash out and almost escape, but are cornered when their car runs out of gas. The three are taken to see O'Bannon, head of the Irish mob in Chicago and owner of the warehouse. He tells them that he didn't have Colosimo killed, but wonders if someone is setting him up. He then lets them go. That night at work, Torio is gladhandling the customers, including the mayor. Indy spots Al Brown wearing one of Colosimo's rings. He meets with Eliot and Ernie and passes on what he saw. Ernie's information has arrived from The Times. It includes the fact that Al Brown is really a small time gangster named Alfonse Capone, who fled New York with a murder rap over his head. There is also a photo of Capone and Torio together. Eliot reveals that he had grabbed some papers off of the warehouse's desk before they fled. One of them shows that it was Torio that placed the order for the liquor. Torio and Capone have to be the ones behind Colosimo's murder. The three take their findings to Garrity who destroys the evidence and throws them out. He warns them to keep quite about the whole affair. Eliot is furious, but there is nothing they can do. Garrity is obviously on the take. Ernie decides to go to Paris to write, while Indy quits his job. Later at The Four Deuces, Indy is still brooding about how things worked out. Sidney decides that Indy is now ready to play the blues. (YIJC - "Young Indiana Jones and the Mystery of the Blues" ("Chicago - May 1920" section) - TV)

1920 June
Indy is leaving Chicago for a summer job that Sidney Bechet is arranging for him in New York City. On the train, he sits next to a beautiful young woman who doesn't seem to like or trust him very much. However, after a misunderstanding over an apple that Indy dropped, they start to get along. She introduces herself as Peggy Peabody and she's on her way to New York to break into Broadway as a singer. She's a bit naive, but as the trip progresses, they grow closer. When they arrive in New York, they make plans to meet the next morning for a tour of the city. Indy then goes to the Greenwich Village apartment of a friend with whom he's supposed to be staying with. Finding nobody home, he gets swept into a party going on next door. There he meets the party's hostess, Kate, who tells him that his friends have left for Europe for the summer. They end up discussing archaeology and literature until almost noon the next day. When Indy realizes this, he rushes to Peggy's hotel, but she has already checked out leaving no forwarding address. Upset, Indy takes a walk in Central Park before heading back up to Kate's to get his suitcase. Kate invites Indy to stay at her place and he accepts. Indy heads up to Harlem to see Sidney about his job, but ,unfortunately, it fell through. Sidney did bring Indy's sax and they jam with a friend of Sidney's, George Gershwin. Gershwin is impressed with Indy's playing and they go to get something to eat. Later, while shooting pool with some of George's composer friends George White and Irving Berlin, Indy tells him about Peggy. Gershwin and the others tell Indy about love and music. He also tells Indy to go to the Globe Theater and ask a man named Mac about a job. When Indy gets back to Kate's they talk for a bit and wind up kissing. The next morning Indy goes to the theater and lands a job as the assistant to the stage manager, Mac. The theater is deep in rehearsals for its show Scandals of 1920 which its star and director, George White, hopes will blow away Ziegfeld's Follies. To that end, he has hired away Ziegfeld's star Anne Pennington. However, his assistant, Schwartz is worried about the expenses the show is incurring, but White doesn't want to be bothered. George is writing the music for the show. During a break, Indy tells George about Kate. Gershwin invites Indy and Kate to a party on Fifth Avenue. Back at Kate's she declines the invitation as she is going to a poetry reading. She tells Indy to go ahead without her. George and Indy arrive at the party and Indy is swept away by the splendor of the penthouse and the beauty of Gloria Schuyler, daughter of the host. He follows her out to the balcony as the band begins to play a tango. She and Indy dance and she is swept off her feet. She finally takes him home in a limousine at dawn. They make plans to see each other that night. Indy rushes into Kate's with only an hour before he has to be at work. Kate is just getting up and they make plans to have lunch at the Hotel Algonquin at one o'clock. That morning at work, White is driving the chorus girls hard. Anne Pennington arrives to rehearse her number which Gershwin wrote. He complains that she's taking it too fast, but she doesn't like the song anyway. White tells him to write her another song. Later Gershwin asks Indy about how things went with Gloria and ribs him about having two girls. Gloria then arrives to take him out to lunch. Afterwards, he gets her to drop him off at the Algonquin under the pretext of having to run an errand for White. He also makes plans to meet her for a late dinner at ten o'clock. Inside the hotel, Kate introduces Indy to some of her friends that they'll be joining for lunch. Among them are author Dorothy Parker and critic Alexander Woollcott Most of the rest are theater critics who have already taken a dim view of White's production. Indy doesn't think it's fair that they have written their reviews already. That afternoon at the theater, auditions are being held for new chorus girls. One of them is Peggy, who tells Indy that she didn't make it. Indy talks to George who gets her hired. Happy, she tells Indy that she is buying him dinner tonight after work at six. Indy then gets a phone call from Kate who is looking forward to having dinner with him around eight. While he's on the phone, a box of candy arrives from Gloria with a note reminding him of their date for ten o'clock. George can only marvel at Indy's predicament, but offer no help. As Indy tries to leave work, Mac, who has been drinking, gives Indy more work to do. He winds up being late to meet Peggy. She treats him to chili dogs, which he quickly eats, saying he has to get back to the theater. He then races to Kate's where she feeds him a big pasta dinner. Then making the same excuses about work, he heads out to Gloria's. When he gets there, she notices that he's looking a bit run down and lectures him on the importance of eating three meals a day. The next day at work, things are not going well. The new girls are slow to learn the dance numbers and the show opens in just ten days. White still hasn't found a girl to sing the song Anne rejected. Indy talks to George about having Peggy audition for it. Meanwhile, Schwartz has bad news for White. The backers have pulled out of the show and they need twenty thousand dollars or the show will fold before it opens. That evening Indy tells what happened to Peggy, Kate and Gloria. Gloria places a call to her father. The next day, Peggy is set to audition for the song when she is interrupted for an announcement. They have a new backer for the show, Gloria's father J.J. Schuyler. He has arrived to watch rehearsals with Gloria. He's impressed with Peggy's audition, so White gives her the number. Backstage, Indy is given a kiss by an excited Peggy, when Schuyler and Gloria show up on a backstage tour with White. George sees Indy's predicament and pulls Peggy away before Gloria catches up to him. That night at Kate's, some friends are over for a poetry reading. She reads them a poem about love that she wrote for a flattered Indy. He then leaves for dinner at Gloria's, where she gives him a watch. After dinner, he goes to see Sidney with George and Peggy. While there, she gives him a monogrammed handkerchief. After practice the next day, Indy and George talk about his problem. Indy just can't decide what to do. A few days later, Indy joins Kate and her friends for lunch. They tell him that Ziegfeld has threatened to pull his ads from their papers if they give White's show good reviews. The critics promise not to let Ziegfeld blackmail them. During the meal, Indy spills water on Kate. He pulls out Peggy's handkerchief to mop it up and she absently places it in her purse. With less than a week to go before the show, things have reached a hectic pace at the theater. The show is running overtime, so Peggy's number is cut. Indy gives her Gloria's watch pin to help her get to practice on time. When he goes to Kate's after work, Gloria calls, insisting that he come right over. Making an excuse to Kate, he rushes right off. At the penthouse, Indy woos her with lines from Kate's poem. She loves it and promises to have it engraved on his cigarette case. (YIJC - "Young Indiana Jones and the Scandal of 1920" ("New York - June 1920" section)- TV)

1920 July
A day before the show, Indy receives a dozen roses from Gloria which he passes onto Peggy. White is driving everyone unmercifully. Indy is having trouble getting the stage's turntable to run smoothly and it is vital to the show's first act finale. George and Indy relax after practice talking about the fate of the show. Indy remembers that it is his twenty-first birthday. On opening night the backstage area is chaos. Kate arrives and tells Indy that has to review the show as the paper's regular critic is sick. Gloria and Mr. Schuyler show up to wish Indy luck with only a few minutes until the curtain goes up, the first emergency pops up. Mac is passed out drunk, courtesy of a bottle of booze sent by Ziegfeld. Indy will have to run the show. The next emergency crops up moments later. Someone has stolen the costumes for the first number. Indy quickly improvises giant fans out of some costume feathers. The opening number goes on, shocking some of the audience and impressing the critics. The next number feathers Anne, but her dressing room door is jammed shut. Indy quickly batters it down and carries her bodily to the stage. Meanwhile, Bonzo, the monkey in an animal act that's part of the show, is running amuck in the rafters. As Indy tries to catch him, he inadvertently sends pillars crashing down onto the stage. The rest of the first act goes well until the finale. The stage's turntable is broken beyond repair. George gets an idea. He has Peggy sing the song he wrote exactly at the slow pace they practiced it at. What White had tried to make a jazzy ragtime number, Peggy sings as a slow love ballad and brings the house down. After the show, Peggy, Gloria and Kate are all at the cast party, but George helps Indy put by keeping them distracted. The early editions of the papers arrive and the reviews are fantastic, with special notice of Peggy's singing. Despite George and Indy's jockeying, Kate, Gloria and Peggy end up in the powder room at the same time. There, Kate notices a few lines of her poem inscribed on Gloria's cigarette case. Gloria notices her watch pin pined to Peggy. Peggy notices her handkerchief in Kate's hand. Back at the party, a birthday cake is wheeled out for Indy. As he blows out the candles, the three women enter. Indy tries to explain, but they simply push his face into the cake. (YIJC - "Young Indiana Jones and the Scandal of 1920" ("New York - July 1920" section)- TV)

1920 August
Indy is stuck in New York after being fired from his job at the theater with a month of summer vacation left, no job and not enough money for next year's tuition. His friend George Gershwin meets him in the movie theater and says that his old boss Mr. White has arranged for a possible job for Indy at Universal Pictures. Indy is hired by Carl Laemmle to go to Hollywood to force director (and star actor) Erich von Stroheim to complete his movie Foolish Wives within ten days or close down the filming which has gone outrageously over budget. Indy gets $300 now and will receive an additional $300 bonus when he successfully completes his job. Indy arrives at Universal Studios and meets Laemmle's brother-in-law Izzy Bernstein, the head of Universal Studios and relays Laemmle's ultimatum. Indy is taken by Irving Thalberg, who trying to learn the movie business, to see von Stroheim and tell him the deadline. On the way Irving gives Indy a tour of the studios and tells him about the industry. Irving tries to warn Indy about von Stroheim's eccentricities, but Indy is not prepared for the man's intensity about his work and his own self-importance. Von Stroheim says that he alone decides the fate of his picture not an "errand boy." Indy is introduced to Claire Leebrum, one of the writers on the movie. She explains to Indy how von Stroheim keeps adding scenes to the movie without any end in sight. When Indy tells her that many of the planned scenes will have to be cut she gives Indy a copy of the script to read before he "makes any more stupid suggestions." At breakfast with Claire and Irving, Indy tries to decide what to cut. Irving introduces Indy to director Jack Ford. Ford tells Indy to forget the script and view the film that has already been shot in order to decide what to cut. After watching the prints, Indy and Claire go to the beach to look at the night sky. Claire tells him how currently the director is the "king" of the movie, while Bernstein wants to shift that power to the producer. In the course of their conversation, a romance begins to bud, but Claire tells Indy that she has a boyfriend. In the middle of kissing Claire comes up with a way to end the movie. The next day, Claire finds out that she is fired from Foolish Wives. To further complicate matters, Indy finds out that Stroheim has taken all of the prints for the movie to his house. Indy goes there to get them back and, over watching von Stroheim drink ox blood, von Stroheim tells him that he did not take the film. Irving later tells Indy that they have the negative and can strike another print from it. They decide that in order to end the movie, they need to film a scene where von Stroheim's character dies. While driving, Claire tells Indy that she loves him, but she also still loves her boyfriend Tony. Indy is informed the next day that he can't get the scenes shot that he needs to end the film because Prince Massimo, the Italian prince actor, is arriving to film other scenes. Indy decides to stop Massimo from showing up by kidnapping him and dumping him in Mexico. Indy, Irving and Claire go to a party being thrown by Doug Fairbanks and Mary Pickford to snatch the Prince. They tell the drunken prince that they can take him to a better party and head off towards the border. They leave him in a cantina in Mexico and return to Hollywood. The following day, von Stroheim explodes in a rage when he finds out that Massimo has not showed. He begins thinking up new scenes in order to avoid filming his death scene and rehires Claire to write the scenes for him. After filming the new scene, Indy declares that he'll think of something even if he has to kill von Stroheim himself. During the duel scene being filmed the next day, Indy rolls marbles under von Stroheim's feet so it will look like he's been shot and they'll have their death scene with which that can finish the movie. Unfortunately, all of the extras fall over while von Stroheim remains standing. At lunch, Ford tells Indy, Irving and Claire they need to slip von Stroheim a "mickey" to get him to fall over and slips a horse tranquilizer pill into von Stroheim's drink. On the set, von Stroheim can barely stay awake as he tries once again filming the duel scene. Von Stroheim ends up dramatically stumbling and falling after he is "shot" and Indy gets the scene on film he needs to end the movie on the tenth and last day he was allotted. Indy goes to von Stroheim and congratulates him on the finish of the film, but von Stroheim congratulates Indy on beating him. Von Stroheim gives Indy tickets to a gala movie premiere with which he can take Claire and Irving. While they are there von Stroheim takes the whole production crew to Mexico to continue filming the movie. Indy receives a telegram from Lemly telling him that he's been fired without his bonus. Irving also receives a telegram from Lemly, however, his tells him that he's been made head of Universal Pictures and his first assignment is to go to Mexico and take control of von Stroheim. Finding himself stuck in Hollywood with no money and no job, Indy takes a job with John Ford as his assistant on his next western movie Six Steps to Hell. Ford tells Indy how his real name is Sean Allouicious O'Feeney and that his brother Francis Ford was the first to rename himself when he first came to America. Ford introduces Indy to Harry Carey, the star actor and Indy takes notes as Ford and Carey rewrite the bad script they were given. Ford sends Indy to a bar to bring back Wyatt Earp to help consult on the movie. Wyatt Earp tells Indy, Ford and Carey about real gunfights as opposed to the fictional stories. After finishing typing the new script that Ford and Carey wrote, Indy goes to see Claire. Claire once again tells Indy that she still has feelings for Tony, but Claire decides that if things work out between her and Indy over the next two weeks she'll break up with Tony. The next day, however, Indy finds out that they'll be filming on location for the entire time and he won't be able to see Claire. Indy goes to tell Claire before he heads out and he finds her with Tony. The whole crew heads out and en route stops to film the final scene first in front of the setting sun. At night, Wyatt Earp tells stories of the old west to the crew as Indy tries writing a letter to Claire. Indy ends up getting advice from the crew about what to do with Claire. The general consensus is that he should get over her because she's not going to leave Tony. While filming the next day a small earthquake hits and a fire starts in the house they were shooting a scene in. Ford continues to film an begins improvising a new scene working the burning building into it. Filming continues without any problems over the next few days until one of the lead actors is killed in his sleep by a poisonous snake. Ford has Indy take over the deceased actor's role, however, Indy's lack of acting ability soon becomes evident. Indy improves over the next few days of filming, however, Ford finds himself a day behind schedule and without any stuntmen after they are all injured on the set. Claire arrives to visit Indy after getting his letter. On the last day of filming, Ford has Indy act as a stuntman to complete the final scene to filmed - the runaway coach scene. Indy agrees to do it for extra pay and risks his life as he jumps from his horse to the wagon, misses and ends up underneath the wagon, being dragged on his back, pulling himself to the front where he grabs hold of the reins and stops the horses from going over a cliff. With the movie done, Indy says his farewell to Claire and everyone else and returns to the University of Chicago with a broken leg and enough money for tuition. (YOUNG INDIANA JONES AND THE HOLLYWOOD FOLLIES - TVM)

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Allen Lane
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Sascha Krasny
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